Bernardo arrives and is happy to see Luan here. Bernardo in the park, much to Luan's dismay, as she fears that she will be assaulted by her teacher if she ever found out one of her students landed the role. Later, as Luan eats her lunch, she is informed by Benny that she saw Mrs.
Once they're done, the director tells them it's lunchtime, and tells them to meet back in an hour for their first show. Later at Dairyland, Tippy, Luan and Cheryl (playing a character called the Dairy Godmother) rehearse for the show. Before long, Luan and Benny try to get the script back by following her around town, and despite some close calls at Reininger's and the grocery store, Luan reclaims her script. Bernardo arrives, sees the script and puts it in her purse, thinking it's for her latest stage show. Bernardo teaches her students on miming, Luan and Benny spot the script on the stage, and as Luan tries to drab it, Mrs. When Luan says she needs to rehearse for the show, she discovers her script is missing, and Benny remembers seeing it during theater class. Bernardo that she landed the part, believing that she would be proud of her, but Luan says the reason she lied was because she didn't want to upset her more when informed that one of her students got the role instead of her. Later, as Luan looks through her locker, Benny says that she should've told Mrs. Bernardo asks Luan why she's so happy today, Luan, unable to tell her teacher the reason, decides to lie to her.
Bernardo reveals that the audition she was rejected from was that role. She glumly tells her students that she had been rejected from audition for the fourteenth time and, just before Luan can announce she got the part of Heidi Heifer, Mrs. Bernardo arrives with mascara running down her face. The next day, at the high school, Luan is practicing her lines. Later, at the stage where the show is to take place, Luan manages to give a flawless performance as Heidi, making the director declare her the one to play the role. Knowing that anyone who plays the character get to lead fabulous lives, Luan decides to audition for the role.
Upon finding him, who is selling popcorn, Luan is informed that the park is holding auditions to find someone to play the character of Heidi Heifer for their stage show A Cream Come True. Bernardo, who she beat out.Īt Dairyland, Luan is running through the park trying to find Benny. After landing a role in a Dairyland production, Luan must hide this news from Mrs.